Pistol AMG Successfully Restarts Development Squad Sessions

Nick Pye, coach of the restarted Pistol Development Squad, is pleased to report that the first of these sessions in more than two years was a success!

Nick reports:

We had a good turnout, and lots of good feedback from everyone, and the range wasn’t too freezing for once! A big thanks to the Glenrothes Shooting Club for use of the range.

We had a good day of training on 24 September, going through various elements of pistol shooting. We made it clear how the role of the mind and having a positive mental approach is a massive part of shooting under competition conditions. We also stressed the importance of not reinforcing wayward shots - focus on the awesome ones!!

A lot of shooting was done at the very well laid out range, with Andy Ralston acting as RO for the first half of the day, then taking over as tutor with a thorough grounding on shooting procedure and the importance of this in building good performance.

The next session is due to take place on Saturday 22 October and I hope for a good turnout again.

The session will be covering how to set and work on shooting goals, the conscious and subconscious mind and some exercises to help performance under pressure. And also, lots of shooting! Its helps immensely just to have someone watch and give feedback.

Nick and I hope to see everyone again on the 22nd - to book on to the next session (and/or the one on 26 November) visit the STS membership and events website here!

The Pistol AMG would like to thank Nick and Andy for their efforts in delivering these sessions!

Report by Nick Pye, Pistol Development Squad Coach