Pistol Development Squad Report

2023 Update by Nick Pye

Photo of a pistol target after shoot

I am glad to announce three more dates for the development Squad this year, Saturday 13th of May, Saturday 17th June, and Saturday 15th of July.

We are using the Callander Target Sports Club again, which has been a very good venue for us over the last three meetings. I would like to extend my thanks to them for the use of the excellent facilities the club offers.

We now have a core of shooters who come regularly, which is great to see, and hopefully as word gets out we can attract new shooters which would be really exciting.

What is also really exciting for me is to see the commitment and also progress of the athletes, in particular the younger shooters. It is completely awesome to see them coming up to enforce the already very strong Scottish Junior Pistol Shooters, which will make for some great shoots this winter in the Scottish Grand Prix series. I can't wait!

Regarding shooting training and work we have covered, I think we have managed to get a good balance between practical and theoretical work. It is commonly accepted that once the actual physical elements are learned at least 85% of competition performance is down to the mental game; but this is often the part of training that is neglected. If we get a good grounding in all the aspects of the art we can get shooters off to the best start they can get to shooting competitively.

A big thanks is also due to Kerstin Dodd, Andy Ralston and David Owen for coaching and sharing the experience they hold from many international competitions!

Nick Pye