Results : 2022 Colmsliehill Competitions 1 and 2 : May and June

Our first competition of the season took place at Colmsliehill on Saturday 7 May. It was great to be shooting outdoors again and to enjoy the fun of the black powder round.

June 4th saw us head back to Colmsliehill on a fantastic sunny day, 10 athletes in attendance shooting our selection of disciplines. The afternoon, following a lunch break sat out in the sun in the middle of the range, caused issues with a constantly variable wind.

We welcomed 2 new shooters this year who are enjoying the mixed bag of competitions.

For the first time in an age we had some tie shoots (free pistol 522 and sport pistol 545 (3 way tie)) all which were ratified on a count back basis,

 Round 3 will be held July 16th – hope to see you all then.