10m Air Rifle 2018-19 Grand Prix Series: GP5

The last air rifle GP of the 2018/19 series took place in Glenrothes on Saturday 9 February and it was the busiest of the series. Vikki Walls (619.1), Tom Diggle (613.1) and Jack Greene (595.2) set personal bests, though there may have been more that I am not aware of.

The results for the classes were as follows:

Class A

  1. Vikki Walls

  2. Robin Law

Class B

  1. Tom Diggle

  2. Ruaraidh Macleod

Class C

  1. Jack Greene

  2. Lee Suddaby

Class D

  1. Davie McKenzie

  2. Sam Coates

Prizes in each class were tins of pellets courtesy of RWS.

The honours in the final went to:

  1. Vikki Walls

  2. Isabel Stark

  3. Tom Diggle

A full set of results from the GP can be found below.

With Vikki winning the final, she secured a series win with a total of 45 points. Congratulations Vikki.

Thank you to all of those that have competed this winter and those that have helped to run the events.

The next major event is the Scottish Air Rifle/Pistol Championship on the 9/10 March.  If you wish to enter please use the link below but get your entry in soon as spaces are filling up fast.

Report by Gavin Walker